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--  作者:找寻
--  发布时间:2005/9/10 8:00:18
--  香巴拉[分享]


There are many realities that exist beyond third dimension. To find them one must come raise their conscious awareness - heal their issues - which allows them to come into balance on all levels of awareness - thus releasing the emotional grip of the physical realms or third dimension.

存在有三维以上的许多实相。 要发现它们人们必须提升他们的意识知觉-痊愈他们的问题-使得他们在全部知觉层面上获得平衡-这样释放物质王国或第三维情绪的紧握。

To reach Shambhala is to move one\'s frequency past that of third dimension - and into faster moving frequency called higher light where one no longer needs a physical body to experience.


Human history has always had its gods and goddess who created reality and went on to guide its evolution from higher places of reality in the \'sky\'.

人类的历史总是有它的上帝和女神,他们创造了实相,而且在‘天空\' 中更高的实相地方继续指导它的进化。

In our reality - we look for answers with higher spiritual entities called master teachers. These ascended masters supposedly live in realities of higher frequency of light. Shambhala is the name given to one of these places.

在我们的实相里-我们与称做大师导师更高的灵魂实体一起寻找答案。 这些据称提升到大师灵魂活在更高的频率光的实体里面。香巴拉就是提供这些地方名字之一。

Different cultures and spaces in history have legends about the place of their gods and teachers - such as Mount Olympus in ancient Greek mythology.


In our reality - we see our teachers from above as either spiritual masters or aliens. Recorded history has shown visitations in strange ships - we often call UFO\'S or Vimanas - in all ancient civilizations. they are supposedly our creators. Many feel they will return one day as all prophecies show that it is a time of spiritual change in which consciousness returns to its former state of enlightment.

在我们的实相里-我们认为来自上方我们的老师要么是灵魂的主人要么是外星人。有记录的历史表明了奇异船的访问-我们通常称为不明飞行物或 Vimanas- 在所有的远古文明里。他们据称是我们的创造者。多数人感觉他们有一天会回来,因为所有的预言显示灵魂转变的时间,在这时间里意识回到它启蒙的先前状态。

In linking with extraterrestrials - Shambhala concerns itself with being the abode of the \'Shining Ones\' who are linked with the Nommos Because all such masters are enlightened beings, having been initiated into union with the Divine Light - or Spiritual Sun/Son - by virtue of their spiritual efforts over the millennia of countless lives, the combined spiritual vibrations create this \'City of Light\' - which could be a UFO or Mother Ship. Seated within the Indigo Robe of the Divine Mother [indigo is blue or a metaphor for the blueprint of our reality] - the countless Stars of Light reflect the community of stars radiating from the Heart chakras of the spiritual masters in this Sacred City - Shambhala.

与宇宙连接在一起-香巴拉本身关注与Nommos 联系在一起的‘光亮的一\'住所存在,因为这类的主人都是被启迪的存在,正已经开始进入具有神性光联合之内-或灵魂的太阳/儿子-借助他们的灵性上的努力越过无数生命这一千年,被联合的精神上的振动创造了这‘光的城市\'-可以是不明飞行物或母船。在神的母亲紫蓝色的宽松长袍里面就座[靛青是蓝色的或我们实相蓝图一个隐喻]-无数星光在这座神圣的城市中放射灵魂主人心脏chakras的星星联合体-香巴拉。

Shambhala is generally linked with teachers from the ancient city of Tibet a place of great spiritual learning. It is from this land that many in human form have supposed ascended to the realms of the great teachers of wisdom and sacred knowledge where one can go - if only in meditation - to come away with knowledge of the higher realms and the nature of our reality.


Our souls, in the 21st century - are questors - seekers of truths. We sense great spiritual transformation on the planet know and meditate for that knowledge.

我们的灵魂, 在这21世纪内-是审判者–真理的寻求者。 我们感觉行星上的更大的灵性转变为那知识知道和冥想。

Much of it come from creating balance within one\'s soul. To create harmony within the Subtle Bodies of human experience - is to find Shambhala - a paradise, if you will.


On the way to enlightenment, Shambhalans acquire such powers a Clairvoyance, - Biolocation, the ability to move at great speeds - and the ability to materialize and disappear at will - Telekinesis - and the union of the soul with the Oneness of universe.


This all goes to studies of Sacred Geometry - and the creational of our reality with a sacred blueprint that repeats in loops we call physical time.


Shambhala, known as the \'Hidden Kingdom\' is thought of in Tibet as a community where perfect and semi perfect beings live and are guiding the evolution of humankind. It is considered to be the source of the Kalachakra, [as in wheels or Chakras of energy] which is the highest and most esoteric branch of Tibetan mysticism.

香巴拉,以‘隐藏的王国\'而闻名,在西藏被认为是完美和半完美生命存在并正指导人类进化的活着的一个社区。它被认为是 Kalachakra 的来源,[当做轮或能量脉轮]它是西藏神秘学最高的和最深奥的分支。

Kalachakra Mandala


The Wheel of Time


The Tibetan word for mandala is "kilkhor" which means "center of the circle with exteriors walls and surrounding environment." Mandalas may be created with precious jewels, flowers, dyed rice, colored stones, or colored sand. Sand, traditionally made from crushed precious stones, is considered the most efficacious materials because of the precious substances involved and the great skill required to create the mandalas\' exquisite details. Since each grain of sand is charged with the blessings of the ritual process, the entire sand mandala embodies a vast store of spiritual energy.

西藏字曼荼罗(坛城)是"kilkhor" ,意谓“具有外部墙壁和周围环境圆周的中心。” 曼荼罗可以用贵重的宝石,鲜花,染色的稻米,彩色的石头或彩色的沙子创造出来。 沙子, 传统上从压碎的贵重的宝石而来,被认为是最有效的材料因为宝贵的物质加入和伟大的技术必需去创造曼荼罗精致细节。由于每粒沙子的被仪式的过程祝福充满,整个的沙子曼荼罗包含大量灵魂能量储备。

According to Buddhist history, the purpose, meanings, and techniques involved in the spiritual art of sand mandala painting were taught by Shakyamuni, the historical Buddha in the sixth century B.C. in India. Over the centuries the Kalachakra teachings have been transmitted in an unbroken lineage from teacher to student. In the 11th century the Kalachakra went from India to Tibet and during the 18th century the VII Dalai Lama introduced it to the Namgyal Monastery. This continuous lineage extends to the XIV Dalai Lama of our own time.

按照佛教的历史,目的,意义和技术,涉及沙子的曼荼罗油画灵魂艺术被 Shakyamuni教导, 历史上佛陀处于公元前第六世纪的印度。这些世纪以来, Kalachakra 教学已经在从老师到学生不完整的世袭里中传承。在11世纪内 Kalachakra从印度传到西藏和在18世纪期间VII世达赖喇嘛将其引入Namgyal 修道院。连续的世袭延续到我们这个时候的XIV世达赖喇嘛。

Each mandala is a sacred mansion, the home of particular meditational deity, who represent and embodies enlightened qualities ranging from compassion to heightened consciousness and bliss. In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, mandalas are created for rituals of initiation in which a highly qualified teacher grants permission to advanced disciples to engage in the Tantric meditation practices.

每个曼荼罗是一个神的宫殿,特别的冥想(沉思)神的家园, 表现并且具体表达范围从慈悲到增高意识和福佑的受启发的品质特性。在西藏的佛教传统里,曼荼罗为开始的仪式所创造,在仪式里一位非常有资格的老师允许许可高级弟子去参与专注的沉思练习。

--  作者:找寻
--  发布时间:2005/9/10 8:00:51

Both the deity, which resides at the center of the mandala, and the mandala itself are recognized as pure expressions of the Buddha\'\'\'\'s fully enlightened mind. Symbolically the deity confers the initiations and the mandala is where the initiations takes place. Through the initiations ceremony the seed of enlightenment in each person\'\'\'\'s mind is nourished by the dynamic process of visualizing and contemplating a mandala.

双方的神, 在曼荼罗中心居住 ,而曼荼罗它本身都被认为是佛完全受启发的头脑纯粹的表达。象征性地神赠予开始,而且曼荼罗是开始发生的地方。经过开始典礼,每个人的受启迪的思想种子通过肉眼观察和注视曼荼罗的动态过程得到滋养。

In essence the ceremony involves the transportation of disturbing emotions into beneficial intuition and wisdom. Normally such an initiation is given at the request of an individual or group of people. The altruistic motivation of the artist and sponsor is essential to the creation of mandala.


Kalachakra Mandala


Everything in this mandala is the symbolic representation of some aspect of the Kalachakra deity and the deity\'\'\'\'s universe. There are 722 deities in the mandala which symbolize various manifestations of aspects of consciousness and reality, all part of the ultimate wisdom of the Kalachakra deity. Understanding and interpreting all of the symbols included in the mandala would be like reading the Kalachakra texts, which contains a vast range of teachings from cosmology to epistemology to psychology.

在这个曼荼罗中每件事物是 Kalachakra 神和神的宇宙某些方面的象征表现。在象征意识和实相各种不同的显示方面, Kalachakra 神的终极智慧的所有部分在曼荼罗里有722位神。理解而且解释曼荼罗含括的所有的符号就像读 Kalachakra文本那样, 从宇宙哲学到认识论到心理学包含巨大范围的教导。

The Kalachakra Tantra is interpreted at three levels referred to as external, internal and alternative. The external concerns the laws of time and space of this physical world and accordingly deals with astronomy, astrology and mathematics. The internal concerns the elements and structure of the human body, including its energy system. The alternative is the doctrine, path and fruit of the actual meditational deity and its circular mandala abode.

以三个水平面提到诸如外部, 内在的和可选性解释了Kalachakra 密教经典。 外在关心这个物质世界时间和空间的法则而且因此涉及天文学,占星术和数学。 内在关心人体元素和结构, 包括它的能量系统。可选择性就是教条、道路以及实际冥想的成果和它的圆形曼荼罗住所。

The Kalachakra deity resides in the center of the mandala. His palace consists of our mandala, one within another: the mandala of body, the mandala of speech, that of mind, and the very center, wisdom and great bliss.

Kalachakra 神居住于曼荼罗中心。 他的宫殿由我们的曼荼罗所组成, 一个在另外一个里面: 身体的曼荼罗 , 讲话的曼荼罗, 头脑的曼荼罗,(译者注:三个曼荼罗就是佛教里所指的身、口、意)而且正中心,是智慧和巨大的福佑。

The palace is divided into four quadrants each with walls, gates, and a center. The colors are specific representations of the elements and mental types. Black, in the east, is associated with the element of winds. The south is red, its elements is fire. The west is yellow, associated with the element of earth, and the north is white, represent water.


The square palace of the 722 deities is seated upon the first concentric circles, the first of which of which represents the earth. The other circles, represent water, fire, wind, space, and consciousness extend beyond the wall of the palace. The outer circles, a representation of the cosmos, is a source of Tibetan astrology. The ten wrathful deities who reside in one of the outer, concentric circles of the mandala serve as its protectors.

722位神的正方形宫殿在第一同心的圆之上就座,第一圆表现地球。其它圆,表现水,火,风,空间和意识扩充超越宫殿的墙。外部的圆,宇宙的表现,是西藏占星术的一个来源。曼荼罗的外部, 同心圆之一中住的十位愤怒神担任它的保护者职责。

The Kalachakra sand mandala is dedicated to peace and physical balance, both for individual and for the world, thanks to the deities carefully among minute human, animal and floral forms, abstract pictographs, and the Sanskrit syllables that comprises the mandalas design.

Kalachakra 沙曼荼罗是专门用于和平和物质的平衡,对个人和世界两者都具备, 由于神小心地处于卑微的人,动物和花形态,深奥的象形文字和由曼荼罗图案组成的梵音间。

Although depicted here on a flat surface, the mandala is actually three-dimensional, being a five-storied "divine mansion", at the center of which stands the Kalachakra deity the manifest state of Enlightenment.

虽然这里以平面来描述,曼荼罗实际上是三维空间,为一个五层“神的宫殿”,在中心站立着 Kalachakra 神受启迪的显现形态。

A person who simply sees this mandala many feel peace on many levels. According to the Dalai Lama, the Kalachakra deities create a favorable atmosphere, reducing tension and violence in the world.

只是看见曼荼罗的人多数感觉在许多层面上的平和安宁。依照达赖喇嘛说法, Kalachakra 神创造出利乐有情的氛围,在世界上减少紧张和暴力。

"It is a way of planting a seed, and the seed will have karmic effect. One doesn\'\'\'\'t need to be present at the Kalachakra ceremony in order to receive its benefits," he explains.

“它是一个种植种子的方式,而且种子将具有因果作用。一个人为了要接受它的利益,不一定需要在 Kalachakra 典礼上出现”他解释说。



Having constructed the the-pu or mandala base, the artists measure out and draw the architectural lines using a straight-edge ruler, compass and white ink pen. The mandala is a formal geometric pattern of a ground plan of a sacred mansions. It includes a foundation, four entrances, wall and other architectural elements. The color sand is applied to the mandala through the end of a metal funnel, which is rasped with another funnel in order to release a fine stream of sand.

构建-pu 或曼荼罗基础,艺术家测量出而且使用一直边尺,指南针和白色的墨水笔画建筑线,。曼荼罗是一神的宫殿平面图一个正式的几何学的图样。它包括一个基础,四个入口,墙壁和其它建筑元素。彩色沙子经过金属漏斗末端被用于曼荼罗, 金属漏斗与另外的漏斗一起被打磨过为了释放一条好的沙子流。

The artists begin at the center of the mandala and work outward. As the mandala is made in the spirit of impermanence and non-attachment, it will eventually be ritualistically dismantled and the blessed sand carried to the river, where it will be offered for the benefit of the marine life and the environment.

艺术家从曼荼罗中心开始及往外工作。由于曼荼罗是由无常和非附属的灵魂制造而成,它最终将会被仪式化地拆除以及受祝福的砂流入河川, 在那里它将会为海洋生物和环境提供益处。

--  作者:找寻
--  发布时间:2005/9/10 8:01:27

Shambhala is a magical land which is shaped like an eight-petalled lotus flower. It has been ruled by priest-kings for many thousands of years; in fact, the legend of Shambhala predates the introduction of Buddhism into Tibet. In the aboriginal Bon religion, Shambhala is known as Olmolungrung, and is based on the square instead of the circle.

香巴拉是一朵像八瓣莲花形成的魔术陆地。它数千年来被牧师- 国王统治;事实上,香巴拉的传说先于佛陀进入西藏的介绍。在原土著好的宗教中,香巴拉是以Olmolungrung闻名, 是以方形而不是圆为基础。

Shambhala forms a gateway between the physical and spiritual realms. It is endowed with riches, and is ideally suited for the habitat of enlightened souls. They are not attached to the fruits of karma, and are but one step from Buddhahood. This is the realm to be sought for rebirth if one desires the swiftest path to Nirvana.

香巴拉在物质和精神领域之间形成一个入口。它赋予财富, 完美地适合受启发的灵魂栖息地。他们不附上因果报应的果实, 而只是成佛的一个台阶。这是如果一个人期望涅盘的快速的途径去寻求轮回再生的领域。

Many western explorers, hearing tales of a Golden City of Shambhala [gold is a metaphor for the alchemy of consciousness that is occurring now], sought to find it in the frozen wastes of northern Tibet. This resulted in the present-day term "Shangri-la," which, like El Dorado, signifies an unattainable goal. This is an unfortunate misunderstanding, for ultimately Shambhala is a place accessible to anyone, if only one can be free of karmic attachments.


The Buddha preached the teachings of the Kalacakra to an assembly of holy men in southern India. Afterwards, the teachings remained hidden for 1,000 years until an Indian yogi-scholar went in search of Shambhala and was initiated into the teachings by a holy man he met along the way.

佛陀的 Kalacakra 的教导传道组合汇集了印度南部中的圣人。然后,教导保持隐蔽状态1000年直到一位印度瑜珈修行者-研究者进入寻找香巴拉而且靠他沿着道路遇到的一位圣人发起进入教导。

The Kalacakra then remained in India until it made its way to Tibet in 1026 AD. Since then the concept of Shambhala has been widely known in Tibet, and Tibetans have been studying the Kalacakra for the least 900 years, learning its science, practicing its meditation, and using its system of astrology to guide their lives.

Tibetan religious texts describe the physical makeup of the hidden land in detail. It is thought to look like and eight-petaled lotus blossom because it is made up of eight regions, each surrounded by a ring of mountains.

西藏宗教文献详细地描述隐藏的陆地物质的结构。据说看起来像开放的八瓣莲花,因为它由八个区域组成, 每一个区域被一个山环环绕。

In the center of the innermost ring lies Kalapa, the capital, and the king\'\'\'\'s palace, which is composed of gold, diamonds, coral, and precious gems. The capital is surrounded by mountains made of ice, which shine with a crystalline light.

在最内环中心安有首都Kalapa以及国王的宫殿, 国王的宫殿由金,金钢石,珊瑚和宝贵的宝石组成。首都由冰凌制成的山包围, 冰凌以水晶的光闪闪发亮。

The technology of Shambhala is supposed to be highly advanced; the palace contains special \'skylights\' made of lenses which serve as high-powered telescopes to study extraterrestrial life, and for hundreds of years Shambhala\'s inhabitants have been using aircraft and cars that shuttle through a network of underground tunnels.

香巴拉的科技工艺据推测高度先进;宫殿开有特殊的‘天窗’,用于大功率望远镜研究外星生命, 而数百年来香巴拉的居民一直在使用飞行器和汽车往来穿梭于地下秘密隧道网络中。

Strange sightings in the area where Shambhala is thought to be seem to provide evidence of its existence. Tibetans believe that the land is guarded by beings with superhuman powers. In the early 1900s an article in an Indian newspaper, the Statesman, told of a British major who, camping in the Himalayas, saw a very tall, lightly clad man with long hair.


Apparently, noticing that he was being watched, the man leaped down the vertical slope and disappeared. To the major\'s astonishment, the Tibetans with whom he was camping showed no surprise at his story; they calmly explained that he had seen one of the snowmen who guard the sacred land.

显然地, 注意到他正被人观看,这人垂直跳跃下斜坡并且失踪了。 使主教惊异不已,正在野营的西藏人对他的故事无动于衷;他们平静地解释说他已经看到保卫神圣陆地雪人之一。

A more detailed account of these snowmen guardians was given by Alexandra David-Neel, an explorer who spent 14 years in Tibet. While traveling through the Himalayas she saw a man moving with extraordinary speed and described him as follows: "I could clearly see his perfectly calm impassive face and wide-open eyes with their gaze fixed on some invisible distant object situated somewhere high up in space. The man did not run. He seemed to life himself from the ground, proceeding by leaps. It looked as if he had been endowed with the elasticity of a ball, and rebounded each time his feet touched the ground. His steps had the regularity of a pendulum."

亚历山德拉·大卫-Neel提供了这些雪人守护者的一个更详细的报道,他是一个在西藏花费14年的探险家。当正旅行通过喜马拉雅山脉时候她看见了一个人以极快速度移动而描述如下: “我可以清楚地看见他完全平静无感情的脸和完全开放的眼睛用他们的凝视固定某些无形的位于空间高处某个地方远距离物体。这人不 奔跑。他像是从地面来的生命本身,靠跳跃前行。它看起来好像他已经被赋予球的弹性, 而且每次回弹他的脚碰触地面。他的踏步具有摆的规律性。”

While people - especially Tibetan lamas - have been searching for Shambhala for centuries, those who seek the kingdom often never return, either because they have found the hidden country and have remained there or because they have been destroyed in the attempt.

虽然人们-尤其西藏喇嘛-几个世纪以来一直在努力寻找香巴拉,探寻王国的那些人常常是一去不复返, 要么是因为他们已经找到这隐藏的国家而留在那里要么因为他们在努力寻找中被消灭。

Tibetan texts containing what appear to be historical facts about Shambhala, such as the names and dates of its kings and records of corresponding events occurring in the outside world, give Tibetans additional reason for believing that the kingdom exists.


Recent events that seem to correspond to the predictions of the mythic kingdom add strength to their belief. The disintegration of Buddhism in Tibet and the growth of materialism throughout the world, coupled with the wars and turmoil of the 21st century, all fit in with the prophecy of Shambhala.


Shambhala is the place where King Sucandra, having come from the north of Kashmir, brought and developed the practice of Kalachakra, after he had received its empowerment and teachings at Dhanyakataka.


香巴拉是Sucandra的住所,从克什米尔北方而来,带来并且发展 Kalachakra 的练习,在他被认可以Dhanyakataka赋与权能和教导之后。

The prophecy of ShambPutucusiala states that each of its kings will rule for 100 years. There will be 32 in all, and as their reigns pass, conditions in the outside world will deteriorate. Men will become more warlike and pursue power for its own sake, and an ideology of materialism will spread over the Earth. When the Barbarians who follow this ideology are united under an evil king and think there is nothing left to conquer, the mists will lift to reveal the icy mountains of Shambhala. The Barbarians will attack Shambhala with a huge army equipped with terrible weapons. Then the 32nd king of Shambhala, Rudra Cakrin, will lead a mighty host against the invaders. In a last great battle, the evil king and his followers will be destroyed. The
Buddha prophesized that all who received the Kalachakra empowerment would take rebirth in its mandala - [rebirth in the illusion of Time - spiraling frequency faster - higher - beyond the illusion of physical realms called time

--  作者:找寻
--  发布时间:2005/9/10 8:02:10


ShambPutucusiala预言描述它的每一位国王将会统治100年。总共有32位国王, 而且当他们的王权统治过去的时候,外部世界情形将会恶化。人类将会变得更好战而且为它自己缘故追求力量,而且唯物主义意识形态将会充斥地球。当追随他们意识形态的野蛮人在一个邪恶的国王联合之下而且毫无顾忌去征服,薄雾将会升起显露出香巴拉的冰山。野蛮人将会以装备有可怕武器巨大的军队攻击香巴拉。然后香巴拉的第32任国王, Rudra Cakrin将会领导力量的主人对抗侵略者。 在一场最后的大战之后,邪恶国王和他的信徒将会被消灭。佛佗预言接受 Kalachakra 赋与权能所有人会在它的曼荼罗中再生-[在时间的幻觉中再生-更快地螺旋频率-更高-超越被称做时间幻觉的物质领域].

Agartha is supposedly a subterranean civilization of planet Earth linked to Shambhala.

Agartha 是推测的地球行星的一地下文明,与香巴拉连接。

Apu Putucusi - Crystal City of Light
Apu Putucusi is a sacred city located adjacent to Machi Piccu and is linked to Shambhala.

Apu Putucusi-发光的水晶城市
Apu Putucusi是一神的城市,位于Machi Piccu旁边,跟香巴拉相连。


